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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Economics : Economics

Postgraduate Course: Health Economics (ECNM11013)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Economics CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThe course is coordinated from the Health Economics Research Unit (HERU) at the University of Aberdeen ( HERU is one of the leading health economics units.
Course description Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Macroeconomics 2 (ECNM11022) OR Microeconomics 2 (ECNM11025) OR Quantitative Methods 2 (ECNM11027) OR
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements Students should be registered for MSc Economics or MSc Economics (Finance). All other students must email in advance to request permission.
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisitesStudents should be registered for MSc Economics or MSc Economics (Finance). All other students must email in advance to request permission.
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2017/18, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  0
Course Start Block 4 (Sem 2)
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 18, Formative Assessment Hours 2, Summative Assessment Hours 2, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 76 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 70 %, Coursework 0 %, Practical Exam 30 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Group work presentation: 30%, Final Examination: 70% in the April / May diet
Feedback Not entered
Exam Information
Exam Diet Paper Name Hours & Minutes
Main Exam Diet S2 (April/May)2:00
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Health economics applies economic thinking to the analysis of health and health care. It is a relatively young sub-discipline but has grown rapidly. There are numerous graduate job and career opportunities in health economics nationally and internationally, in both private and public sectors.
  2. The course covers the core topics of health economics. It is not necessary to have studied health economics previously to benefit from this module and it will complement a broad range of other options.
  3. The course emphasises a participative and cooperative approach to learning, and so you will be expected to both present material and contribute to group work.
Reading List
Session 1: Culyer AJ, Newhouse JP (2000) Introduction: the state and scope of health economics. In Culyer AJ and Newhouse JP (eds), Handbook of Health Economics, p.1-7, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Arrow KJ. (1963) Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care. American Economic Review 53(5): 941-973.

Session 2: Zweifel P, Breyer F,Kifman M (2009) Health Economics, Second Edition. Dordrecht Springer, Chapter 2.

Session 3: Zweifel P, Breyer F,Kifman M (2009) Health Economics, Second Edition. Dordrecht Springer, Chapter 2.

Session 4: Cawley J, Rhum CJ (2011) Economics of Risky Health Behaviours. In Pauly MV, McGuire TG, Barros PP (eds), Handbook of Health Economics, p.95-200, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Session 5: O'Donnell, O., Wagstaff, A., Van Doorslaer, E., Lindelow, M. (2008) Analyzing health equity using household survey data: a guide to techniques and their implementation. The World Bank, Washington, D.C. Chapters 1, 7-9, 13.

Session 6: Nicholson S. Propper C. (2012). Medical Workforce. In Handbook of Health Economics, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Additional Information
Course URL
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
Additional Class Delivery Information Session 1 ¿
¿ Introduction to Health Economics,
¿ Markets and market failure in health care
¿ Preparation for Group Work

Session 2 ¿
¿ Economic Valuation of Life and Health
¿ Approaches to economic evaluation
¿ Utility measurement of health

Session 3 ¿

¿ Cost-benefit analysis in health

Session 4
¿ Reports on Group Work
¿ Economics of health behaviours

Session 5 ¿
¿ Health inequalities

Session 6
Economics of the health workforce
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserDr Marjon Van Der Pol
Course secretaryMiss Carole-Anne Marshall
Tel: (0131 6)51 1795
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