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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Edinburgh College of Art : Design

Undergraduate Course: Design Research 1 (DESI07011)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryThis course introduces students to a broad range of basic research methods in relation to practical studio work, enabling them to extend their understanding of design practice. The specific aims of the Course are to introduce students to key theories, practices, contexts and debates in design; to encourage the creative and critical development of personal practice; to encourage curiosity and foster critical enquiry.
Course description Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites Students MUST also take: Design Studio 1 (DESI07007) AND Design Context 1 (DESI07012) AND Design Collaboration 1 (DESI07009)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements This course is only available to ECA students on degree programmes belonging to Design
Additional Costs Range of design materials and field trips pertaining to programme specialism ¿ often an advance payment is required. Likely to incur general costs rel
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. INVESTIGATE: Show an ability to collect and collate images, objects and texts which demonstrate an investigation of the key research themes.
  2. CONSIDER: Demonstrate a range of approaches to design research.
  3. SELECT: Demonstrate the ability to select research themes and begin to develop a personal direction.
Reading List
Reading List

- Wells, P. The Fundamentals of Animation. AVA
Publishing (2006)
- Williams, R. The Animator's Survival Kit. Revised
Edition, Faber & Faber (2009)

- Borrelli, L. Fashion Illustration by Fashion
Designers. Hames & Hudson (2008)
- Jones, T. & Rushton, S. Fashion Now 2 : I-D Selects
160 of its Favourite Fashion Designers from Around
the World. Taschen (2008)

Film & TV
- MacDonald, K. & Cousins, M. Imagining Reality.
Faber (1998)
- Mackendrick, A. On Filmmaking. Faber & Faber

Graphic Design
- Hollis, R. Graphic Design, A Concise History.
Thames & Hudson, 2nd ed.(2002)
- Newark, Q. What is Graphic Design. (Essential
Design Handbooks) (2002)

- Jennifer New (2005) ¿Drawing from Life: the journal
as art¿
- Alan Male (2007) ¿Illustration: A theoretical and
contextual Perspective¿. AVA Publishing

Interior Design
- Baden-Powell, C. Architect's Pocket Book.
Architectural Press, 2nd ed. (2006)
- Ching, F. D.K. Architectural Graphics. John Wiley &
Sons, 5th ed. (2009)
- Coates, M, Brooker, G. & Stone, S. The Visual
Dictionary of Interior Architecture and Design. AVA
Academia (2009)

Jewellery & Silversmithing
- McCreight, T. Complete Metalsmith : an illustrated
handbook. Davis Publications (1982)
- Simblet, S. The Drawing Book. London, DK (2005)

Performance Costume
- Burnett, K. Make/believe: UK Design for
Performance 2011-2015. The Society of British
Theatre Designers (2015)
- Bou, L. Couture Hats. Harper Design (2012)

Product Design
- Droste, M. Bauhaus, 1919-1933. Ko¿ln : B. Taschen
- Hollis, R. About Graphic Design. London :
Occasional Papers (2012)
- Fletcher, A. The Art of Looking Sideways. Phaidon
Graphic Design (2001)

- Mellor S. & Elffers J. Textile Designs. New edition,
Thames & Hudson (2002)

The above are key texts that are essential for you to be familiar with during this course. You should also be extending this diet of reading by following your own reading stemming from these key texts that support your own idiosyncratic path of work.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Explore various forms of researching, creative problem solving and decision making, editing, communicating.
Study Abroad N/A
Course organiserDr Jonathan Murray
Course secretaryMs Jane Thomson
Tel: (0131 6)51 5713
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