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Postgraduate Course: TPG Curating (ARTX11030)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryYou will engage in the study and interpretation of contemporary art in a range of locations and settings, examining how artworks are displayed and consumed in professional institutional spaces such as museums and commercial galleries, as well as exploring issues connected to artist run spaces and public, socially engaged artworks.

You will consider how artists can work collectively and collaboratively to organise and self curate exhibitions, and investigate ideas around independence, autonomy and agency within art practice. Your research and analysis into exhibition and curatorial practice will be designed to inform and guide your approach to the exhibition opportunities provided by the program (such as the project space, masters project degree show).
Course description In this course, through a series of seminars, lectures and site visits, you will examine some of the key contemporary and historical issues within exhibition and gallery practice and culture. You will look at critical issues relating to the ¿ideology of the white cube¿, the history and politics of Artist run spaces, specifically in Scotland, the role of collectives and collaborative practice in the development of gallery culture and lastly the possibilities and potential of digital technology and culture to develop new ways of displaying, distributing and producing contemporary art practice.

The first 5/6 weeks will be taught together with the TPG Curatorial Theory course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Research (33%) - Working in groups and independently, demonstrate a high level of research into contemporary discourses and issues within contemporary curating, exhibition practices and collective, collaborative organisation, in your group seminar presentations and essay submission.
  2. Analysis (33%) - Critically analyse a range of textual and non-textual examples (drawn from site visits and fieldwork) concerning curatorial and exhibition practice in your seminar participation and in your written work. Demonstrate in your analysis an understanding of how the meaning of objects and artworks are generated by exhibition and display contexts and skills.
  3. Communication (33%) - Demonstrate the ability to write, talk and visualise an in-depth understanding of the core issues within contemporary curating and exhibition practice, utilising written and oral forms that are imaginative and utilise the possibilities of digital forms of production and distribution.
Reading List
BISHOP, Claire, Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of
Spectatorship. Verso, 2012.

BISHOP, Claire, Participation ¿ Documents of Contemporary Art.
Whitepchapel Art Gallery 2006.

BOURDIEU, Pierre , The love of art : European art museums and
their public, Published:Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, 1997.

BOURDIEU, Pierre , In the Field of Cultural Production, Polity Press

GREENBURG, Reesa. Thinking about Exhibitions. Routledge,
London, 1996.

KESTER, Grant, Conversation Pieces: Community and
Communication in Modern Art. University of Calfornia.2013.

KOURIS and RAND. Cautionary Tales: Critical Curating, Apexart,

KRYSA, Joasia, Curating immateriality : the work of the curator in the age of
network systems, Brooklyn, N.Y. : Autonomedia, 2006.

KWON, Miwon, One Place after Another: Site Specificity and
Locational Identity. MIT Press 2004.

MARINCOLA, Paula. What Makes a Great Exhibition?, Reaktion,

MICCHELLI, Thomas. On Curating: Interviews with Ten International
Curators, Distributed Art Publishers; 2010.

OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich, Everything you always wanted to know about
curating but were afraid to ask /Sternberg Press, 2011.

OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich, A brief history of curating, Published:Zurich :
JRP / Ringier ; Dijon : Les Presses du réel, 2008.

O'DOHERTY, Brian, Inside the white cube : the ideology of the gallery
space, Published:Santa Monica : Lapis Press, 1986.

O¿NEIL, Paul and DOHERTY, Clare (eds). Locating the Producers ¿
Durtional Approaches to Public Art, Valiz Antennae 2009.

O¿NEIL, Paul, The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Cultures.
MIT Press, 2012.

STEEDS, Lucy Ed, Exhibition, Whitechapel Gallery Documents of
Contemporary Art, Whitechapel Gallery 2014.

WADE, Gavin, Curating in the 21st Century, Wolverhampton, 2000.

WILSON, Mick, Curating and the Educational Turn, Open
Editions/De Appel Arts Centre, 2010.

ZEISKE, Claudia and SACRAMENTO, Nuno. ARTocracy, Jovis, 2011.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Knowledge that covers many of the main areas of contemporary curating and exhibition practice, including their features, boundaries, terminology and conventions.

A critical, detailed and often leading knowledge and understanding at the forefront of contemporary curating and exhibition practice.

Knowledge and understanding that is generated through personal research or equivalent work that makes a significant contribution to the development of the contemporary exhibition practice and curating.

The ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding in applying a range of standard and specialised research and/or equivalent instruments and techniques of enquiry.

The ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding in using a significant range of the principal professional skills, techniques, practices and/or materials associated with contemporary curating and exhibition practice.

The ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding in using and enhancing a range of complex skills, techniques, practices and/or materials that are at the forefront of contemporary curating and exhibition practice.

The ability to apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to forefront issues, or issues that are informed by forefront developments in contemporary curating and exhibition practice.

The ability to critically review, consolidate and extend knowledge, skills, practices and thinking in contemporary curating and exhibition practice.
Special Arrangements N/A
Study Abroad N/A
Additional Class Delivery Information Seminar-based teaching.
KeywordsTheory Pathway: Curating Collecting Exhibitions Museology Taxonomy Cultural Geography Art History Vi
Course organiserDr Deborah Jackson
Course secretaryMiss Jennifer Watson
Tel: (0131 6)51 5743
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