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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Schools : Subjects : School of Mathematics

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SCQF Level 08 (17 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
MATH08062 SS1 Accelerated Algebra and Calculus for Direct Entry Semester 1 20
MATH08071 SS1 Accelerated Proofs and Problem Solving Semester 1 10
MATH08058 SV1 Calculus and its Applications Semester 2 20
MATH08065 SV1 Computing and Numerics Semester 2 10
MATH08076 Data, Algorithms and Decisions Not delivered this year 20
MATH08074 SS1 Engineering Mathematics 1a Semester 1 20
MATH08075 SS1 Engineering Mathematics 1b Semester 2 20
MATH08068 SV1 Facets of Mathematics Semester 1 10
MATH08064 SV1 Fundamentals of Pure Mathematics Semester 2 20
MATH08057 SV1 Introduction to Linear Algebra Semester 1 20
MATH08072 SS1 Mathematics for the Natural Sciences 1a Semester 1 20
MATH08073 SS1 Mathematics for the Natural Sciences 1b Semester 2 20
MATH08066 SV1 Probability Semester 1 10
MATH08067 SV1 Probability with Applications Semester 2 20
MATH08059 SV1 Proofs and Problem Solving Semester 2 20
MATH08063 SV1 Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations Semester 1 20
MATH08051 SV1 Statistics (Year 2) Semester 2 10

SCQF Level 10 (48 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
MATH10086 SV1 Advanced Methods of Applied Mathematics Semester 1 20
MATH10086VV1 Advanced Methods of Applied Mathematics Semester 1 20
MATH10025 Algebraic Coding Theory Not delivered this year 10
MATH10077 SV1 Algebraic Topology Semester 2 10
MATH10096 Applied Statistics Not delivered this year 10
MATH10053 SV1 Applied Stochastic Differential Equations Semester 1 10
MATH10097 Applied Stochastic Differential Equations Not delivered this year 10
MATH10072 SV1 Combinatorics and Graph Theory Semester 1 10
MATH10017 SV1 Commutative Algebra Semester 1 10
MATH10088 SV1 Differentiable Manifolds Semester 2 10
MATH10047 SV1 Essentials in Analysis and Probability Semester 1 10
MATH10003 SV1 Financial Mathematics Semester 1 10
MATH10051 SV1 Fourier Analysis Semester 2 10
MATH10065 SV1 Fundamentals of Operational Research Semester 1 10
MATH10065VV1 Fundamentals of Operational Research Semester 1 10
MATH10080 SV1 Galois Theory Semester 2 10
MATH10076 SV1 General Topology Semester 1 10
MATH10076VV1 General Topology Semester 1 10
MATH10075 SV1 General and Algebraic Topology Full Year 20
MATH10074 SV1 Geometry Semester 1 10
MATH10079 SV1 Group Theory Semester 1 10
MATH10079VV1 Group Theory Semester 1 10
MATH10078 SV1 Group and Galois Theory Full Year 20
MATH10069 SV2 Honours Algebra Semester 2 20
MATH10068 SV1 Honours Analysis Semester 1 20
MATH10068VV1 Honours Analysis Semester 1 20
MATH10067 SV1 Honours Complex Variables Semester 2 20
MATH10066 SV1 Honours Differential Equations Semester 1 20
MATH10071 SV1 Introduction to Number Theory Semester 2 10
MATH10082 SV1 Linear Analysis Semester 1 10
MATH10082VV1 Linear Analysis Semester 1 10
MATH10073 SV1 Linear Programming, Modelling and Solution Semester 2 10
MATH10005 SV1 Linear Statistical Modelling Semester 1 10
MATH10005VV1 Linear Statistical Modelling Semester 1 10
MATH10081 SV1 Linear and Fourier Analysis Full Year 20
MATH10013 SV1 Mathematical Biology Semester 1 10
MATH10010 SV1 Mathematical Education Full Year 20
MATH10063 SS1 Mathematics Project Full Year 20
MATH10084 Molecular Dynamics Not delivered this year 10
MATH10064 SV1 Multivariate Data Analysis Semester 2 10
MATH10098 SV1 Numerical Linear Algebra Semester 1 10
MATH10060 SV1 Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications Semester 2 10
MATH10044 SV1 Numerical Partial Differential Equations Semester 2 10
MATH10024 SV1 Probability, Measure & Finance Full Year 20
MATH10031 SS1 Project in Mathematics (Double) Full Year 40
MATH10015 SV1 Simulation Semester 2 10
MATH10093 SV1 Statistical Computing Semester 2 10
MATH10092 SV1 Statistical Consultancy Semester 1 10
MATH10094 Statistical Learning Not delivered this year 10
MATH10095 SV1 Statistical Methodology Semester 1 10
MATH10085 SV1 Stochastic Differential Equations Semester 2 10
MATH10007 SV1 Stochastic Modelling Semester 2 10
MATH10091 SV1 Symmetry and Geometry Semester 2 10
MATH10028 SV1 Theory of Statistical Inference Semester 2 10
MATH10083 Topics in Mathematical Biology Not delivered this year 10

SCQF Level 11 (107 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
MATH11120 SV1 Algebraic Geometry Semester 2 10
MATH11093 Analysis of Nonlinear Waves Not delivered this year 10
MATH11140 SV1 Applied Dynamical Systems Semester 1 10
MATH11125 Basic Algebra 1 Not delivered this year 20
MATH11126 Basic Algebra 2 Not delivered this year 20
MATH11175 SS1 Bayesian Data Analysis Semester 2 10
MATH11177 SS1 Bayesian Theory Semester 1 10
MATH11174 SV1 Biomedical Data Science Semester 2 10
MATH11130 SS1 Credit Risk Modelling Semester 2 15
MATH11148 SV1 Credit Scoring Semester 2 10
MATH11057 SS1 Derivative Pricing and Financial Modelling Semester 2 15
MATH11056 SS1 Derivatives Markets Semester 1 7.5
MATH11092 Deterministic Optimization Methods in Finance Not delivered this year 7.5
MATH11153 SS1 Discrete-Time Finance Semester 1 10
MATH11195 SS1 Dissertation (CAM) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11200 SS1 Dissertation (CMF) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11080 SS1 Dissertation (FMO) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11013 SS1 Dissertation (Fin. Math.) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11043 SS1 Dissertation (Op. Res.) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11178 SS1 Dissertation (SDS) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11119 SS1 Dissertation (Stats. Op. Res.) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
MATH11027 Dynamical Systems Not delivered this year 10
MATH11088 SS1 Finance, Risk and Uncertainty Semester 1 10
MATH11064 SS1 Financial Econometrics Semester 2 7.5
MATH11065 SS1 Financial Markets Semester 1 15
MATH11048 Financial Mathematics and Investment Not delivered this year 10
MATH11051 Financial Model Building Not delivered this year 5
MATH11046 Financial Risk Management Not delivered this year 10
MATH11132 SS1 Financial Risk Theory Semester 2 10
MATH11135 SV1 Functional Analysis Semester 2 10
MATH11111 SS1 Fundamentals of Optimization Semester 1 10
MATH11187 SS1 Generalised Regression Models Semester 2 10
MATH11104 Geometry & Topology 1 Not delivered this year 20
MATH11138 SV1 Geometry of General Relativity Semester 2 10
MATH11185 SS1 Incomplete Data Analysis Semester 1 10
MATH11192 SV1 Integer and Combinatorial Optimization Semester 2 10
MATH11145 Interactions in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology Not delivered this year 10
MATH11053 Introduction to Lie Groups Not delivered this year 10
MATH11147 SV1 Large Scale Optimization for Data Science Semester 2 10
MATH11172 MIGSAA Algebra 1 Not delivered this year 15
MATH11173 MIGSAA Algebra 2 Not delivered this year 15
MATH11164 SS1 MIGSAA Asymptotic Methods Semester 1 15
MATH11160 SS1 MIGSAA Continuum Mechanics Semester 1 15
MATH11162 SV1 MIGSAA Dynamical Systems Semester 1 15
MATH11165 SS1 MIGSAA Geometry and topology 1 Semester 1 15
MATH11163 SS1 MIGSAA Numerical Methods Semester 2 15
MATH11161 SS1 MIGSAA PDEs and Finite Elements Semester 2 15
MATH11159 SS1 MIGSAA Probability 1: Introduction Semester 1 15
MATH11166 SS1 MIGSAA Pure Analysis 1: Measure and Integration Semester 1 15
MATH11167 SS1 MIGSAA Pure Analysis 2: Functional Analysis Semester 2 15
MATH11087 Masters Dissertation in Mathematics Not delivered this year 60
MATH11127 SS1 Mathematics Dissertation Full Year 40
MATH11114 SS1 Mathematics Reading Course - S1 Semester 1 10
MATH11115 SS1 Mathematics Reading Course - S2 Semester 2 10
MATH11112 SS1 Mathematics Seminar Course - S1 Semester 1 10
MATH11113 SS1 Mathematics Seminar Course - S2 Semester 2 10
MATH11180 SV1 Mathematics in Action A Semester 2 10
MATH11181 Mathematics in Action B Not delivered this year 10
MATH11170 SV1 Mathematics of Data Assimilation Semester 1 10
MATH11007 SV1 Methodology, Modelling and Consulting Skills Semester 1 10
MATH11142 SV1 Modern Methods in Geometry and Topology Semester 2 10
MATH11146 Modern Optimization Methods for Big Data Problems Not delivered this year 10
MATH11155 SV1 Monte Carlo Methods Block 3 (Sem 2) 5
MATH11141 SV1 Multi-scale Methods in Mathematical Modelling Semester 2 10
MATH11137 SV1 Nonlinear Schrödinger equations Semester 2 10
MATH11186 SS1 Nonparametric Regression Models Semester 2 10
MATH11196 SV1 Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications Semester 1 10
MATH11156 SS1 Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Block 4 (Sem 2) 5
MATH11191 SV1 Numerical Partial Differential Equations with Applications Semester 2 10
MATH11068 SS1 Numerical Techniques of Partial Differential Equations Semester 2 7.5
MATH11152 SS1 Object-Oriented Programming with Applications Semester 1 10
MATH11042 Operational Research in the Airline Industry Not delivered this year 5
MATH11193 SS1 Operational Research in the Energy Industry Semester 2 10
MATH11158 SV1 Optimization Methods in Finance Semester 2 10
MATH11149 SS1 Portfolio Theory Semester 2 15
MATH11100 Probability 1 Not delivered this year 20
MATH11099 Probability 2 Not delivered this year 20
MATH11008 SS1 Probability and Statistics Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
MATH11199 SS1 Python Programming Semester 1 10
MATH11169 SV1 Quantum Information Semester 1 10
MATH11136 Real Analysis Not delivered this year 10
MATH11197 SS1 Research Skills for Computational Applied Mathematics Semester 2 20
MATH11171 Research Topics in Statistics Not delivered this year 10
MATH11151 SS1 Research-Linked Topics Full Year 10
MATH11190 SV1 Risk and Logistics Semester 2 10
MATH11157 SS1 Risk-Neutral Asset Pricing Semester 2 10
MATH11198 SV1 Scientific Computing Semester 1 10
MATH11028 SS1 Simulation Block 2 (Sem 1) 10
MATH11058 SS1 Special Topics 1 Semester 1 7.5
MATH11059 SS1 Special Topics 2 Semester 2 7.5
MATH11129 SS1 Statistical Inference Semester 1 7.5
MATH11070 SS1 Statistical Methods Semester 1 15
MATH11176 SS1 Statistical Programming Semester 1 10
MATH11188 SS1 Statistical Research Skills Semester 2 10
MATH11154 SS1 Stochastic Analysis in Finance Semester 1 20
MATH11150 SS1 Stochastic Control and Dynamic Asset Allocation Semester 2 10
MATH11029 SS1 Stochastic Modelling Semester 2 10
MATH11116 Stochastic Models in Biology Not delivered this year 10
MATH11024 SV1 The Analysis of Survival Data Semester 1 10
MATH11184 Theory of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Not delivered this year 10
MATH11131 SS1 Time Series Semester 2 10
MATH11062 SS1 Time Series Analysis Semester 2 7.5
MATH11183 SS1 Topics in Applied Operational Research Semester 2 10
MATH11194 SS1 Topics in Applied Optimization Semester 2 10
MATH11143 Topics in Noncommutative Algebra Not delivered this year 10
MATH11144 SV1 Topics in Ring and Representation Theory Semester 1 10
MATH11179 Variational Calculus Not delivered this year 10

SCQF Level 12 (22 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
MATH12008 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 1 Semester 1 15
MATH12016 MIGSAA Advanced Course 10 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12017 MIGSAA Advanced Course 11 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12018 MIGSAA Advanced Course 12 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12009 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 2 Semester 2 15
MATH12010 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 3 Semester 2 15
MATH12011 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 4 Semester 2 15
MATH12012 MIGSAA Advanced Course 5 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12013 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 6 Semester 1 15
MATH12014 MIGSAA Advanced Course 7 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12015 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced Course 8 Semester 2 15
MATH12022 MIGSAA Advanced Course 9 Not delivered this year 15
MATH12006 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced PDE 1 Semester 1 15
MATH12005 SS1 MIGSAA Advanced PDE 2 Semester 2 15
MATH12003 SS1 MIGSAA Extended Project Flexible 60
MATH12004 SS1 MIGSAA Geometry and topology 2 Semester 2 15
MATH12021 SS1 MIGSAA Mathematical Biology Semester 2 15
MATH12007 SS1 MIGSAA Probability 2: Applications Semester 2 15
MATH12001 SS1 MIGSAA Research Skills Flexible 15
MATH12019 SS1 MIGSAA Statistics 1 Semester 2 15
MATH12020 SS1 MIGSAA Statistics 2 Semester 2 15
MATH12002 SS1 MIGSAA Taster Project Semester 1 15
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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