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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Schools : Subjects : School of History, Classics and Archaeology

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SCQF Level 08 (4 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ARCA08004 Archaeology 1A Not delivered this year 20
ARCA08005 Archaeology 1B Not delivered this year 20
ARCA08013 Archaeology 2A: Scotland before History Not delivered this year 20
ARCA08012 Archaeology 2B: Archaeology in Action Not delivered this year 20

SCQF Level 10 (38 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ARCA10050 Animal and Human Remains in Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10013 Archaeological Fieldwork Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10014 Archaeological Illustration Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10040 Archaeology Dissertation Not delivered this year 40
ARCA10075 SS1 Archaeology Extended Essay 20
ARCA10053 Archaeology Independent Project Not delivered this year 40
ARCA10065 Archaeology in Practice Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10019 Archaic States in the Ancient Near East Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10048 Art and Architecture of Ancient Cyprus: Archaeological Perspectives Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10047 Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10055 Byzantine Archaeology: The archaeology of the Byzantine empire and its neighbours AD 500-850. Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10020 Conceptualising the Neolithic Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10071 Constantinople and the Cities of Asia Minor, 330-565 Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10076 Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Discovering past lifeways through Archaeological Human Remains Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10072 Early Farmers of the Near East: The Transition from Foraging to Agriculture Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10023 Etruscan Italy 1000-300 BC Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10051 From Foraging to Farming: The Beginnings of Agriculture in the Mediterranean and Europe Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10027 Gallia from the 3rd Century BC to Augustus Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10003 Human Origins Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10061 Island Worlds: prehistoric societies in the western Mediterranean from Malta to Minorca Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10049 Isotopes and Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10074 Late Hunter-Gatherers in Europe Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10033 Ritual and Monumentality in Atlantic Europe: Mid-6th to Mid-3rd Millennium BC Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10034 Ritual and Monumentality in North-West Europe: Mid-6th to Mid-3rd Millennium BC Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10073 Rock Art and Archaeology: from Scotland to the Sahara Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10077 Scientific Methods in Bio-Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10016 The Archaeology of Gender Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10063 The Hittites: The Archaeology of an Ancient Near Eastern Civilisation Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10030 The Iron Age of Western Temperate Europe until the 3rd Century BC Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10078 The Prehistory of Cyprus: Insularity, Identity and Internationalism Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10035 The Scottish Lowlands: Archaeology and Landscape before the Normans Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10064 Theoretical Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
ARCA10002 Underwater Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
SCHI10065 Celt and Saxon: the British Isles 250-750 Not delivered this year 20
ARHI10021 Cultural Landscape Not delivered this year 20
ECSH10031 Heritage in Britain since c.1750 Not delivered this year 20
SCHI10054 Rome and the Caledonians Not delivered this year 20
CELT10043 The Old North: literature, politics and society in Dark Age Scotland Not delivered this year 20

SCQF Level 11 (2 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
ARCA11018 Island Worlds: prehistoric societies in the western Mediterranean from Malta to Minorca Not delivered this year 20
ARCA11020 The Hittites: The Archaeology of an Ancient Near Eastern Civilisation Not delivered this year 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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